
Tai Hing History

Tai Hing Logistics Ltd. was established in Hong Kong since 1989. We have over 20 years’ experience on logistics fields and we proudly build a professional and experienced logistics team today. Tai Hing Team grows with the company and obtains the qualities of loyalty, integrity and effectiveness to serve our customers.

In order to solve problems and fulfill customer’s requirements, Tai Hing team provides variable kinds of strategies which are effective and flexible. Furthermore, our excellent long term relationship with popular manufactures and famous logistics organizations proves that we are always striving to make our service more and more competitive, and ultimately benefit our customers in every possible way.

大興物流(THL)創立於1992年,憑著積極進取及擁有多年經驗幫助廣大客戶解決物流上問題己有25多年。我們的專業人員用不同的方法提出最準確,低成本的物流方案,度身訂造物流方案物流及為不同企業設計物流系統,倉儲管理服務,中港運輸配送,第三方物流服務及其他增值服務等,本司作為全方位物流服務供應商,本司致力協助企業分析及解決物流每個環節,提高客戶的競爭力及發展潛力, 以解決企業為物流煩惱為本司方針。